frequently asked Questions
Pandemic Related Questions
Q: Are clients required to wear masks during visits?
A: No masks are required for fully vaccinated clients. You may be asked to show vaccination card. Please be prepared in case this happens.
Q: Is there a difference between massage and bodywork?
A: Massage tends to be more relaxing versus bodywork which is more inclusive of techniques that gear more towards therapeutic.
Q: Do I have to get completely undressed for the session?
A: Being completely undressed is not mandatory. Bodywork can be done fully clothed. Some sessions may require more skin access, but panties/briefs can be left on. However, for manual lymphatic drainage treatments, fully undressed is preferred to allow unhindered lymphatic flow.
Q: Is deep tissue the same as deep pressure?
A: It depends on who you ask. At Feel Better, deep tissue is focused work on specific areas to release dysfunction such as frozen shoulders, range of motion issues and low back dysfunctions. Most clients aren't ready, nor would they want a full session of "deep tissue." Deep pressure is using firmer pressure during a relaxation session.
Q: Is it normal to feel sore after a session?
A: It is common to feel some soreness after a session depending on what type of session you received and how long it's been since your last bodywork/massage. If you have not had a massage for a while, or ever, even a relaxation session could leave you sore because your muscles are not used to being manipulated. If you are getting bodywork with focused work and stretching, you are more likely to experience soreness. Soreness should fade away within a day or two, and you should feel the positive effects of the work.
Q: What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
A: It is a very gentle type of treatment that directs the flow of the lymph towards the nodes to be drained. It helps larger protein particles or metabolic waste pass through plates back to the interstitial space to be metabolized and picked up by the lymph flow. It reduces inflammation and promotes faster healing. NOTE: Lymphatic drainage is not pushing fluid out of tubes or open wounds.
Q: Does cupping hurt?
A: Yes and no. Stationary cupping, where the cups are left in one place could be a bit painful when first placed depending on how aggressive the suction of the cup is and depending on how bad the adhesion is in that area. Moving or gliding cups tend to feel more intense as it literally grabs the top layers of the dermis and separates it from the other layers as the cup is moved, creating space and allowing lymph and blood to flow.
Q: And why does it leave bruises?
A: The marks aren't bruises. They are an indication of the metabolic waste being drawn out in the areas being treated. Marks may differ in color for various reasons.
Q: How long do the cupping marks stay?
A: The length of the marks stay depends on a variety of things including your diet, how much water you drink and how much metabolic waste was drawn out. It could start diminishing within a few hours, a couple of days, or a couple of weeks. Sugary diets will affect the colors as well as the length the marks remain.